Measuring jihadist movement

Measurement of the jihadist movement, Part I: goals jihadists Stratfor - December 19, 2013 in often when I Bmnazerat and briefings or interviews, always ask questions such as: "Given the events in Syria and Libya, Is jihadist movement is stronger than before?" It's a good question, but it is also a question not easily answered in a short time, or to quote the brief for print media - it actually requires some detailed explanation. For this reason, I have decided that it took some time to provide a more accurate handle on this subject in written form to the readers of Stratfor. When I thought about the various aspects of the subject, came to me the belief that adequate coverage requires more than the number of weekly, so I will dedicate a series of articles for this purpose. When measuring the current situation of the jihadist movement, and I think it is useful to use two different standards. The first is to consider the goals and objectives of the jihadis then measures the extent of their progress toward achieving them. The second is to take a look at the theory of insurgency and terrorism models to see what they can tell us the case of militant networks jihadists and their efforts. We will discuss this week the first criterion: the goals and objectives of the jihadists.